
Network Security Systems

Network Security Probably at the end of the day, when you leave the office, you activate the alarm system and lock the door to protect your office and the equipment inside. You also have a safe or locked filing cabinet to store your confidential business documents.

Your computer network must also be protected in the same way.
Network security technologies protect your network against theft, misuse of confidential business information, and malicious attacks by viruses and worms from the Internet. If you do not use network security, you are exposed to unauthorized intrusion, network shutdown, service interruption, non-compliance with regulations, and even legal transaction risks.

How does security work?
Network security is not based on a single method. Instead, it uses a number of obstacles to defend your business in different ways. Even if one solution fails, the other survives to protect your company and data from various network attacks. Security layers on your network mean that the valuable information you use to conduct your business is available to you and protected against threats.

Especially network security:

  • Protects against internal and external network attacks Threats can come from within and outside your business's four walls. An effective security system monitors all network activity, marking unusual behavior and providing the appropriate response.
  • Employees ensure the confidentiality of all communications anytime, anywhere, and can access the network with the assurance that their communications will be confidential and protected while at home or on the move.
  • Controls access to information by accurately identifying users and their systems. Businesses can create their own rules for data access. Denial or approval of access may be based on user IDs, business function, or other business-specific criteria.
  • Makes you more reliable. Employees, customers and partners ensure that their information is secure, as security technologies protect your system from known attacks and adapt to new threats.